Stuff and Whateva

Because you ain't got nothing else better to do


Who remember when they would go shopping and there moms would tell them to go get a ton of clothes and she would put them on Layaway! You would be gassed like no other. You would swear you would get the craziest stuff, you could already see in your head how you would rock your outfits and kicks. AND THEN… Your moms said “She forgot to get your stuff or a bill is due” and you would be come up short.

Who remembers when the manager at your favorite sneaker store would tell you that the kicks that you been anticipating are coming out on Friday. You would ready to talk smack to the other kids once they see you with those sneakers on your feet. You were official, you got the biggest piece of inside consumer information since  when white people found out that Lawry’s was not a cousin at our BBQ but a seasoning that you put on chicken. And then… Someone got the sneakers THAT DAY.. Gasp… Who the hell could have gotten them before you. Who could have followed you to the sneaker store and talked to the same Manager as you. WHO THE HELL GOT YOUR KICKS ON?

Fast forward, remember we said “I am going to go to college and then get a good job”, or “I’m going away to school and start a new life”, and the best one “I am leaving the hood and not returning”. Well for some of us, those things that we looked forward too had loop  holes. It never occurred to us that not everything goes as planned. We plan for things and anticipate things to work in our favor but not realizing that something are just out of our control.  So what do you do? Give up hope, don’t go clothes shopping again or don’t go to that store and get your kicks that you like. NAH, you continue to go with your moms and when Easter time comes, she gets you some nice gear. You go back to the store and give the manager a lil extra for your next purchase. When life gives you lemons, you don’t make no damn lemonade.. Throw them shits back and say “I drink Henny”! Let your sole be apart of your passion.




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