My momma use to say to me “People are gonna show you who they are, you just have to believe them”. This is so true in every aspect of life. That supervisor that is a countless jerk every damn day, that friend that smiles all the time in your face but you always hear them say something about you later, that person that you thought was a complete ass hole but turns out that they are more loyal to you then your own family. People have this mental condition to believe what WE want to believe instead of looking at something for face value. I have been told I look for things to be simple, UUUUUMMMM yeah. Why the fuck would I want complications in my life? We tend to look at what we want to be rather what is. That girlfriend/boyfriend or trans-whatever yall got usually will show you what they are to you. Instead of trying to force change on something that we fail to acknowledge, we should first identify what a person or situation really is. Yesterday marks three years since my pop has passed, man I miss him. He was a great man, he taught me a lot. On his anniversary, my wife always gives me a special gift that reminds me of him. My niece text me yesterday, and sent some love. I talk to my big cousin every 3 days about him. He raised him as well. The irony is, Pop told me about these same people and how special they are in my life. I BELIEVE POP, I HEARD YA.