Stuff and Whateva

Because you ain't got nothing else better to do

Year in review!

Sorry, I have been kinda busy. School, work, finding new porn sites. Kinda rough man. Most people do a year review and talk about the same stuff, blah, blah, president, blah blah, Kardiashan, Blah blah, the economy sucks, blah blah, white people can’t believe we are still mad about racism and systematic oppression, blah blah, another rapper is wearing a dress, blah blah, someones past is catching up to them, blah blah, athletes should not talk about social issues, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH AND FUCKING BLAH! How about, the emergence of more entrepreneurs, or how the college dropout rate has decreased, or what about the unemployment rate has decreased. We have lost a lot of people, but we have also gained many as well. When you look at the year in 2017, remember to look at the good instead of the negative. Christmas is coming around the corner, I can’t wait  to send my list to black santa. Oh yeah, um Santa was black, sorry I hate to burst your bubble. No, he was not some white dude that ate all your cookies and rode a dumb ass reindeer. I aint sitting on his lap, I am like “Yo dog, let me get some OG barkely’s, and some air max’s, wit a mutual fund”! Yall think a ninja JUST talk shoes and ball. FOH…


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