It has recently been brought to my attention that the Los Angles Lakers are retiring Kobe Bryants Jersey. Well here is the twist, he is getting both numbers retired. That’s right 8 and 24. I will say that he gave out work with both numbers. Should they picked just one number, and the answer is no. That man has gone to war against some of the best ever. He went toe to toe with answer, AND GOT NO HELP ON DEFENSE. You can hate him, you can love him but the one thing you can’t say is that this man did not bring it every single night. He loved the game and he left on his own terms. How many athletes can say that? Can your favorite player say that? Now, HIS SHOES ARE FIRE! Now that bill cosby incident in Denver is shady, come on Kobe, I hope you didn’t take them yams. But forreal, I salute you. You really emobodied what basketball really is. PEACE TO MAMBA>
/ December 20, 2017