- Happy New Year.
- I have been busy EAD
- If you really have read my stuff then you would request for more stuff.
Now that is out of the way. Yall miss me? NO? Dang, that hurt. What a way to start the new year. Superbowl is coming up, All-star game, white people really have just realized that Donald Trump is so damn racist that he has a KKK belt buckle on. So, I am loving how the season is coming along on the bball tip. YAAAAAAAS, I hope Cleveland loses every damn game. It needs to chill before K.love put them gloves on him. Westbrook really has no damn fashion sense. Now before I go, here are some questions for you:
- Will bron let that struggle ceasar go?
- Who is faster Wall or Westbrook?
- Will the Spurs system ever get old to watch?
- Should K. Love just leave?
- Did J. Kidd get a wrong deal?
- Why is Al Horford in the All-star game, I get better numbers then that at a rec league?
- How come no one is talking about how Harden is always in the top 3 vote getters for MVP but NEVER WINS?
- Can we all just say it, Tristian Thompson is cursed!