Stuff and Whateva


  1. Happy New Year.
  2. I have been busy EAD
  3. If you really have read my stuff then you would request for more stuff.

Now that is out of the way. Yall miss me? NO? Dang, that hurt. What a way to start the new year. Superbowl is coming up, All-star game, white people really have just realized that Donald Trump is so damn racist that he has a KKK belt buckle on. So, I am loving how the season is coming along on the bball tip. YAAAAAAAS, I hope Cleveland loses every damn game. It needs to chill before put them gloves on him. Westbrook really has no damn fashion sense. Now before I go, here are some questions for you:

  1. Will bron let that struggle ceasar go?
  2. Who is faster Wall or Westbrook?
  3. Will the Spurs system ever get old to watch?
  4. Should K. Love just leave?
  5. Did J. Kidd get a wrong deal?
  6. Why is Al Horford in the All-star game, I get better numbers then that at a rec league?
  7. How come no one is talking about how Harden is always in the top 3 vote getters for MVP but NEVER WINS?
  8. Can we all just say it, Tristian Thompson is cursed!
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