The NBA is back. So am I! I realized that without writing, I am limiting myself in avenues to express my thoughts. MAN FUCK THAT, GIVE ME THE ROCK AND LET BOOBY SPIT! Ok, opening night is what I expected, over hyped ass first game and late ass good second game. Kyrie was booty meat, like straight Lee Daniels directing another “black film” booty cheeks. WTF, a ninja make a movie and forget how to get buckets. JASON TATUM is too smooth to not have waves. Put a Du-rag on son, bc his game is wavey. I hate ben simmons jump shot. Nah, no excuse! Embid, he needs a go-to move. All of those reverse pivots will get him caught up. Al Horford is giving him fits. SHOUT OUT TO Hayward on the comeback. Good to see the dude on the court. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL COVINGTON TO CUT THAT SHIT! Good to be back, did y’all miss me?
/ October 17, 2018