Stuff and Whateva




So Draymond Green and Kd get into a spat. Green is not feeling KD bc of how he is handling his free agent situation. Who gives a fuck, they lost to the clippers in OT. That is what’s important. People are taking away from how the clippers played them. No […]

WHO YOU BRO? More or .. Whateva»


Happy New Year. I have been busy EAD If you really have read my stuff then you would request for more stuff. Now that is out of the way. Yall miss me? NO? Dang, that hurt. What a way to start the new year. Superbowl is coming up, All-star game,

Questions More or .. Whateva»

8 or 24

It has recently been brought to my attention that the Los Angles Lakers are retiring Kobe Bryants Jersey. Well here is the twist, he is getting both numbers retired. That’s right 8 and 24. I will say that he gave out work with both numbers. Should they picked just one

8 or 24 More or .. Whateva»

The yams were bad

I FUCKING TOLD YALL, KYRIE LEFT AND CLEVELAND WON’T BE SHIT! He got tired of them yams. I don’t care what you say, Cleveland is pretty damn bad. Everyone has an excuse “They are old, They are out of shape, “Lebron was hurt during the preseason”! I never heard that

The yams were bad More or .. Whateva»


First off, Gordon Hayward is a fucking thug. I would have cried like a baby. I might have passed out after looking at my ankle. It was a straight accident, bron didn’t try to hurt him. By him being young, I think that he will bounce back. Now, GSW lost

OH HELL NO! More or .. Whateva»

Bye bye!

Wade joined Bron in Cleveland, melo joined Russ and PG13. We all know about Kyrie! Who has more pressure to win, Bron or GSW? He has a damn near all star team, gsw just kept there same people. Im waiting to see who is gonna crack first! Oh, can someone

Bye bye! More or .. Whateva»


Who has better looking side chics? NBA players or WNBA players? And we got all this equal rights Ish, let one of the WNBA players leak a tit pic. How about a nipple? Draymond green snapped a pee wee pic and got another championship out of it. Skyla need to

Question. More or .. Whateva»

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