Stuff and Whateva



Long Time

Its been a minute since I have written anything. I guess I felt that no one is reading, so why say anything. I was wrong, this is not to entertain but to release. If no one reads this, it is fine. I am now doing this for myself. More to […]

Long Time More or .. Whateva»

Year in review!

Sorry, I have been kinda busy. School, work, finding new porn sites. Kinda rough man. Most people do a year review and talk about the same stuff, blah, blah, president, blah blah, Kardiashan, Blah blah, the economy sucks, blah blah, white people can’t believe we are still mad about racism

Year in review! More or .. Whateva»

I must admit!

I am not a fan of him but these are new Lebron James sneakers are dope and I am talking about the message. He has “Equality” on the back. I believe in equality for everyone. But what would happen if a NBA owner or Politician wore those shoes? Not knocking

I must admit! More or .. Whateva»

Well Well!

Should I talk about taking a knee, the Jermele Hill suspension, Natural disaster’s, Donald Trump, How the FUK THIS OLD MAN GOT ALL THEM DAMN GUNS IN THE CASINO and no security footage, NAH! The sky is blue, the air is kinda clean, and you are alive. For some, that

Well Well! More or .. Whateva»

Believe Them

My momma use to say to me “People are gonna show you who they are, you just have to believe them”. This is so true in every aspect of life. That supervisor that is a countless jerk every damn day, that friend that smiles all the time in your face but

Believe Them More or .. Whateva»


So adidas surpassed Jordan brand for global sneaker sale as the number 2 spot. Don’t get me wrong, I love J’s but they are kind of the same thing, just with different colors. Nike is still at number 1 but I am kinda glad Adidas has jumped to number 2. 

OLD SCHOOL! More or .. Whateva»

Fake loyal

Zeke played for the Celtics when he lost his sister in a tragic accident. He lost 2 teeth in a game and had constructive surgery so he could play the next game. He was traded to Cleveland for Kyrie irving. Now can someone care to explain why fans are burning

Fake loyal More or .. Whateva»


Remember going into the sneaker store and grabbing the sneaker that you have been drooling over since you walked in the mall. You grab the shoe and yell to the nearest associate “YO, HOW MUCH ARE THESE”? He/she would say “The price aint on the shoe”? Obviously not, duh. So

HOW MUCH ARE THESE? More or .. Whateva»


Who remember when they would go shopping and there moms would tell them to go get a ton of clothes and she would put them on Layaway! You would be gassed like no other. You would swear you would get the craziest stuff, you could already see in your head how

Layaway More or .. Whateva»

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